When using any STM32 microcontrollers, GPIOs need to be initialized before you can use them in the application program. The GPIO peripheral is configured and controlled using a set of registers. Multiple registers are assigned to each port available in an STM32 MCU. These registers can be directly accessed and programmed but it can become a tedious task. To make it easier, we can use the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) driver provided by ST or the CMSIS (Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard) driver provided by ARM. The initialization code can be generated by STM32CubeMX application as per user configuration. In this tutorial we will see how to initialize GPIO directly using registers and do some port manipulations with it.
I must assume that you know about things like how data is represented in memory, and how individual in bits are manipulated with logical operators. I should also warn that this is not a comprehensive article on bit manipulation, but more of a starting guide if you are new to HAL or CMSIS.
Following are the registers associated with each GPIO port. Each port on STM32 can have up to 16 GPIO pins. A particular MCU variant can have multiple such ports. I hope you have some understanding of what each port is intended for. If not, try reading the part of the datasheet where the registers are explained.
Register | Description | Size in bits | Configuration Length in bits |
GPIOx_MODER | GPIO port mode register | 32 | 2 |
GPIOx_OTYPER | GPIO port output type register | 16 | 1 |
GPIOx_OSPEEDR | GPIO port output speed register | 32 | 2 |
GPIOx_PUPDR | GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register | 32 | 2 |
GPIOx_IDR | GPIO port input data register | 16 | 1 |
GPIOx_ODR | GPIO port output data register | 16 | 1 |
GPIOx_BSRR | GPIO port bit set/reset register | 32 | 1 |
GPIOx_BRR | GPIO port bit reset register | 16 | 1 |
GPIOx_LCKR | GPIO port configuration lock register | 16 | 1 |
GPIOx_AFRL | GPIO alternate function low register | 32 | 4 |
GPIOx_AFRH | GPIO alternate function high register | 32 | 4 |
The configuration length is simply the number of bits required to configure the state of a single pin. For 16-bit registers, it is usually a single bit and two bits for 32-bit registers. In software, you can access these registers as,
Where “x” can be the port identifier starting from letter A. For example if you want to set pin 5 of port A, ie PA5, as output, you can do so by,
GPIOA->MODER |= (1U << 5);
(1U << 5)
simply means “shift unsigned integer 1 to 5 positions left”. This has the effect of writing 0b01
is the prefix used to indicate a binary literal similar to 0x
for hex literal) to configuration bit pair of 5th pin of port A. 0b01
means the pin will be set as an output. The |=
means the compiler is going to generate a “Read Modify Write” (RMW) sequence of instructions to,
- First read the register
- Use the source value to compute a new value.
- And write the computed value back to the same register.
There are three steps involved. This “read-modify-write+ sequence can be bad at sometimes, and to know why, have a look at this page – http://techref.massmind.org/techref/readmodwrite.htm. There is a better way to avoid RMW errors, which will be discussed further below.
As a programmer, you will most likely add multiple definitions to a header file to make all register operations easier, which is something already done by STM developers. For example GPIOx->MODER
can accept the following values,
GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Pos - the relative position of the register
GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Msk - a 0b11 binary mask pair
GPIO_MODER_MODER5 - a 0b11 binary mask pair
GPIO_MODER_MODER5_0 - a 0b01 binary set mask
GPIO_MODER_MODER5_1 - a 0b10 binary set mask
The 5
is obviously to indicate the pin and therefore can have values from 0 to 15 for each pin of a port. The definitions of those values are,
#define GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Pos (10U)
#define GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Msk (0x3U << GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Pos) //0x00000C00
#define GPIO_MODER_MODER5_0 (0x1U << GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Pos) //0x00000400
#define GPIO_MODER_MODER5_1 (0x2U << GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Pos) //0x00000800
These values are defined in the part specific header file in the CMSIS\Device\ST\
folder for each MCU. The above snippets are copied from \CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Include\stm32f446xx.h
If you have ever used bit manipulation in your programs, things would be clear by now on using those definitions accordingly. GPIO_MODER_MODER5_Pos
is the relative position of a bit pair assigned to 5th pin of port A. For the first pair, the relative position would be zero. So we’re cleverly using the shift operator to set the binary values in a register for each pin. Notice the relative position is defined as an unsigned int 10U
(“u” suffix is to indicate a unsigned int literal) while the rest of the numbers as hex values. This is just arbitrary.
Now let’s see how we can configure the register using these definitions.
To set a bit pair to 0b11
To clear a bit pair to 0b00
To set only the first bit to 0b1
while the second bit is unchanged,
To clear the first bit to 0b0
while the second bit is unchanged,
To set the second bit to 0b1
while the first bit is unchanged,
To clear the second bit to 0b0
while the first bit is unchanged,
To set the bit pair to 0b01
GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER5_0; //set first bit
GPIOA->MODER &= ~(GPIO_MODER_MODER5_1); //clear second bit
To set the bit pair to 0b10
GPIOA->MODER &= ~(GPIO_MODER_MODER5_0); //clear first bit
GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER5_1; //set second bit
For single bit configuration registers such as OTYPER
, we get only a position and a mask in the form of,
Did you see the overhead of setting a binary pair to either 0b01
or 0b10
at the same time ? We needed two statements to do that. This is because we can not do simultaneous AND
or OR
operations on a single register. Also, those two statements constitute of two RMW sequences, a total 6 single instructions at the least. We are also not guaranteed that these six instructions will be executed in the order they are written in case an interrupt occurs or a thread or processor has access to the same memory locations we are manipulating. That is a problem and that is why we have “atomic” operations. It simplifies the RMW operations from the programmer’s perspective and also ensures that the instructions will be executed in the order they are written.
There is no need to access all the registers atomically because they are usually set only once. In case of GPIO configuration registers of STM32, we can perform atomic write operations using the dedicated BSRR and BRR registers. BSRR is a 32-bit register where the lower 16-bits are used to set any of the 16 pins and the higher 16-bits to clear/reset any of the 16 pins of a particular IO port. The BRR register’s higher 16-bits are reserved and the lower 16-bits reset or clear the 16 pins.
To set PA5 (5th pin of port A), we can do,
GPIOA->BSRR = (1U << 5); //set the 5th bit or PA5
GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BS5; //set the 5th bit or PA5
To clear PA5,
GPIOA->BSRR = (1U << 21); //clear the 5th bit or PA5
GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BR5; //clear the 5th bit or PA5
is a macro that sets the 5th bit of lower 16-bits and GPIO_BSRR_BR5
clears the 5th bit of higher 16-bits. Similar operations can be performed on BRR register macros such as GPIO_BRR_BR5
. Macro definitions like these are available for all of the GPIO registers.
Interestingly, some family of controllers such as STM32F446 do not have the BRR register but only the BSRR. The engineers might have thought it was redundant, I think.